SoCal Families for Safe Streets

February 22, 2025

Co-founder of Southern California Families for Safe Streets, Grandma Beverly, holding an impromptu slow jam during one of our Rainbow Halo ceremonies (2020).

As individuals who have lost loved ones or been injured in traffic crashes, SoCal Families for Safe Streets offers support and opportunities for action to people who share our unique grief.

Co-founded by Beverly "Grandma Beverly" Shelton and Debbie Hsiung, SoCal Families for Safe Streets grew out of their efforts as founders of A to Z Families for Safe Streets, in memory of Aidan Tam, Debbie's son, and Zachary Cruz, Beverly's grandson. Each was killed by turning drivers as the boys were legally crossing the street with adults and other children.

SoCal Families for Safe Streets members bear witness to our pain and suffering in order to eliminate fatalities and injuries on our streets. We seek to make it socially unacceptable to drive recklessly and press for solutions like safe multi-modal streets to prevent other loved ones from enduring injury or harm. We envision a city where pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles safely co-exist by encouraging the rapid implementation of Vision Zero. Check out our recent action on the 85th Percentile Rule.

SoCal Families for Safe Streets does not provide counseling or therapeutic support. If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or connect with their online chat here https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat. Trained crisis workers are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your confidential and toll-free call provides crisis counseling and mental health referrals.

For those who would like to be contacted by SoCal Families for Safe Streets please click here to complete a brief form.

Resource Guide

No one plans to get into a car crash but if you're one of the many Angelenos injured or lost a loved one in traffic violence, it can be incredibly painful, confusing, and frustrating. Who do you call first? What resources are out there for victims?

Well, no worries. We got you. Click below to find our Resource Guide created by Southern California Families for Safe Streets, families who have been impacted by traffic violence themselves.

Nadie planea chocar, pero si usted es uno de los muchos Angelinos heridos o si perdió a un ser querido en la violencia del tráfico, la experiencia puede ser increíblemente doloroso, confuso y frustrante. ¿A quién llamas primero? ¿Qué recursos existen para las víctimas?

Bueno, no se preocupe. Te apoyamos. Haga clic a continuación para encontrar nuestra Guía de Recursos creada por Familias del Sur de California para Calles Seguras, familias que han sido impactadas por la violencia del tráfico.

Meet the different family foundations of SoCal Families for Safe Streets:

SoCal Families for Safe Streets membership includes individuals and those who are also founders of their own family foundations. Many of our members create their own organizations to mobilize for action and policy change. We're proud to be partners with these groups:

Jeri Dye Lynch, Founder of the Conor Lynch Foundation, mother of Conor Lynch

Deborah Hsiung, D.O., Founder of Stop4Aidan, mother of Aidan Tam

Beverly Shelton, Founder of Zachary Michael Cruz Foundation, grandmother of Zachary Michael Cruz

Lili Trujillo Puckett, Founder of Street Racing Kills, mother of Valentina d'Alessandro

Dayna Galbreath, Streets are For Everyone Co-founder, Nurse to Damian Kevitt

SoCal FSS Co-Chair Jeri speaks at Press Conference for Monique Muñoz


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