
We share knowledge and foster connections among pedestrian, bicycle, and street safety organizations across L.A. County.

Traffic Violence Resources

As individuals who have lost loved ones or been injured in  traffic crashes, SoCal Families for Safe Streets offers support and opportunities for action to people who share our unique grief.

SoCal Families for Safe Streets members bear witness to our  pain and suffering in order to eliminate fatalities and injuries on our  streets.

We seek to make it socially unacceptable to drive  recklessly and press for solutions like safe multi-modal streets to  prevent other loved ones from enduring injury or harm.

We envision a  city where pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles safely co-exist by  encouraging the rapid implementation of Vision Zero.

Organizational Partners

Bike LA

BikeLA  is a nonprofit organization that works to make all  communities in LA County healthy, safe, and fun places to ride a bike  through advocacy, education, and outreach.

People for Mobility Justice

As  Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) collective, we envision a world where  people have the freedom & resources to move in public space w/ love  and dignity.


A non-profit project of CRSP dedicated to creating wider access to cargo  bicycle technology and empowerment of youth in black and brown communities.


CicLAvia catalyzes vibrant public spaces, active transportation and good health through car-free streets.


The Alliance for Community Transit – Los Angeles strives to create just,  equitable, sustainable transit systems and neighborhoods for all people  in Los Angeles.


Move LA has built its success and reputation by addressing LA County’s need for a modern and efficient transit system, primarily—but not only—by qualifying ballot measures and campaigning to win.

Streets for All

Streets For All is building a transportation revolution in Los Angeles, fighting for bus lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian improvements, fighting climate change and making change in our community.


Communities Actively Living Independent & Free (CALIF) is an independent living center, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides advocacy programs and services for people with disabilities primarily residing within the 50 zip codes of Los Angeles County covering south and central Los Angeles and neighboring communities.

Get involved with Los Angeles Walks.